Amenra Interview by A. Tsakalis

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Hi there and welcome to Singloud TV. Thank you for taking the time for this

Your upcoming live has filled the crowd with excitement and is waiting with
great anticipation to see you again! How do you feel that you have acquired
this special bond with the people here in Greece?

Cool we are excited aswell. We love playing Greece since our early days. The Greek heavy music community was one of the first that supported us, way before most others got ‘interested’ in what we do. So much love for you all out there.

Your new album De Doorn has been released 2 years ago ..Did you approach
the creation of this album differently to the Mass series?

Yes we did. We wrote scores and sound for several fire rituals and gatherings we had organized in our 20th year of existence. So in a sense we weren’t actively writing “a new album”. We never realized De doorn got written, one of us pointed it us to us afterwards.

“Hey guys, we actually wrote an album, 60 minutes of music :)”

It’s the first album you have sang entirely in your native language, flemish.
Choosing to write this album entirely in Flemish, was that something that you
had in mind when you began writing, or something that you put into place
once you heard the music lying underneath that?

Like said we never “began writing”. As we were making the music for the gatherings, I knew 90% of the people there were Flemish speaking, I wanted to speak to them in the most direct way and that was our own mother tongue.

I suppose it also got inspired by some Belgian songs we had covered through the years, and my poetry writing. Some of that seeped into MASS VI aswel in between songs.

This is the sixth time you are coming to Greece, is there any of the previous
shows that you remember most vividly, and if so, why?

I have no more recollection of the names of the venues though. But the first one stood out as we got just deported from the United States and we had to break off a tour when we had just started. The Greece show came write after that and that was the one that restored our faith in humanity 🙂

If AMENRA could perform DE DOORN anywhere in the world, where would it
be? What is your ideal setting, and why?

Right there where we did those first rituals 🙂
Cause it was intended so.

Can you tell us something positive that came out of being isolated because of
the pandemic, and how your experience over the past three years impacted
your creativity?

We grew more grateful to what we had been given. As it was taken away for awhile.

What are Amenras future plans?

Move forward with steady pace. And never give up.


I would like to thank you for your time and, for your musical approach over all
these decades.

by Antonis Tsakalis

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